Monday July 11 Post Two

This is a photo of approximately one-half of the tents that house our medical team in a remote village named Kanyanga. It took us almost 5 hours to get here and we were on a paved road for only about 15 minutes. Imagine if you will, grass as tall as your head, and two tire-ruts that form a road as far as your eye can see. The ruts form a canal through which we travel and the brush and trees on the side drag along the side of our big yellow school bus as we move.
This was the kind of view most of Friday afternoon and evening. As it approached dark the sun tried to shine through the talcum-powder-like dust left from the vehicles in front of us, and after dark you could just see the red tail-lights of the Land Rover Defender ahead of us. We spent two of our five hours on these kind of roads, but at the end we came upon a village and a school called Kanyanga.
While it was dark when we arrived, had we had light to see it, the tents in the photo were waiting for us thanks for a dedicated group of advance workers we call the "A-Team."
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