Advance Team on Site
Yesterday we drove down the main road that will take us to the clinic at
Singwamba. The road was not good, but it was passable, and we were able to
average 15- 20 miles per hour. We came across these girls carrying cotton
that they had just picked, as you see in the photo. The cotton is
transported by large, very overloaded trucks and the cotton balls get caught
on the trees that line the road. The result is the appearance of
We have a fairly large "early-team" here already with more arriving each
day. The days are filled with mechanic work, planning, sorting tents and
camping supplies, counting medicine into individual prescriptions, and all
sorts of other efforts. The main team is scheduled to arrive on Thursday
July 7th, though some of the nurses are coming one day early to complete
their registration with the Zambian Ministry of Health.
More later. Thanks for your interest.
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