Zambia Medical Mission

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Advance Team on Site

Yesterday we drove down the main road that will take us to the clinic at
Singwamba. The road was not good, but it was passable, and we were able to
average 15- 20 miles per hour. We came across these girls carrying cotton
that they had just picked, as you see in the photo. The cotton is
transported by large, very overloaded trucks and the cotton balls get caught
on the trees that line the road. The result is the appearance of

We have a fairly large "early-team" here already with more arriving each
day. The days are filled with mechanic work, planning, sorting tents and
camping supplies, counting medicine into individual prescriptions, and all
sorts of other efforts. The main team is scheduled to arrive on Thursday
July 7th, though some of the nurses are coming one day early to complete
their registration with the Zambian Ministry of Health.

More later. Thanks for your interest.

Remember that this site, and the audio update site are updated regularly. You may not receive an email alerting you to changes, so if you are interested in up-to-date changes, check this site regularly. There is a link to Audio Updates below in the side-bar to this site.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Andrew's water

His name is Andrew, and most of the medical team will never meet him, but he is responsible for making the intricate water system at Namwianga Mission work while we are there. 135 westerners put a major strain on the infrastructure of this compound, and Andrew will spend long hours seeing that the water flows as much as it possibly can.

He is standing by the US Army surplus water trailer that we use to transport our clean water. Eleanor purchased 6000 bottles of water for drinking last week. It is amazing how much it takes to care for a caravan of 200 to 220 roving medical missionaries.

Many are leaving for Africa over the coming two weeks, and the main team leaves on July 6th.



Friday, June 17, 2005

A way to receive AUDIO UPDATES

We will be sending audio updates this year about the trip. We are often able to use a telephone even when we do not have access to the Internet or email, so you may wish to check the audio-update site even if you haven't received an email prompting you to check the site.

The URL is

You can paste this into your browser and go there directly also.

Updates will be come frequent after July 6th.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The 2005 trip is near

This blog will be used to post the photos and comments from the Zambia Medical Mission 2005 trip. Many of you have been directed here from a mailing-list, but you may give this URL to anyone interested in the progress of our team. Our post will be frequent during the actual trip, but will be limited otherwise.

Most of the team will be leaving for Africa on July 6th.

Thank you for your support.


Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Ba Moonga

His name is Dominique Moonga and he is a powerful evangelist. He is perhaps the most eloquent man I have ever heard speak. That is a Chitonga language Bible clasped to his chest.


As we prepare for our trip, our minds run back to memories of those we work with each year. This photo is of Caroline.

This is a rare moment from a women whose eyes most often radiate a smile, but smiles mean joy, and in her world, the world of a Zambian nurse, joy is not always appropriate. But competence, confidence, compassion, and care are there to step in where joy fails, and they are all apparent in this beautiful face.


Welcome to the Blog for the 2005 Zambia Medical Mission trip.