Zambia Medical Mission

Saturday, July 16, 2005

July 16 final clinic

We set up our clinic at Makoli today, and for the first time in Zambia Medical Mission history set up within sight of a tar-road. We chose the site for several reasons, but we were not sure what to expect. The crowds were consistent, but not overwhelming and we were actually able to close registration early and start back to the mission. This was a great relief to many who anticipated a late night tonight packing to come home.

We will sit around a fire tonight at the Roy Merritt home after dinner and have what we refer to as our closing ceremonies. We work side-by-side, the Zambian volunteers and the US and Canadian volunteers, and we make lasting friendships. It is sometimes difficult to say goodbye.

If you are reading this, you are a friend, relative or supporter of one of our team, or just someone who cares about us, and we wish to thank you for your interest. May we give God all the glory for any good thing that has or will come of this effort.

God Bless